Website Design and Management

web-design-2014Websites have changed over the years from a basic static html page to data driven pages, and now to what we call ‘responsive design’ sites.  With a responsive design site, the goals are clear – you want to design the site and content so that visitors will be inclined to do something – what’s referred to as a ‘call to action’.  For example, for many veterinary hospitals, the goal is to focus on getting clients to call and schedule appointments.  Responsive design sites are typically very ‘clean’ looking as well.  By eliminating clutter and static, you create a more clear picture for the client of what they need to do when on your site, such as ‘call for an appointment’.

Two such site design examples which we’ve worked directly include the following:

Chiquita Animal Hospital

Orchard Park Veterinary Medical Center

You’ll notice how the clean look is prominent, yet, the information is very easily found.  You’ll notice as well, that call to action options are included and are prominently featured.  For example, the phone numbers are larger font that other content, buttons are set for clickable links that will drive to emails requesting appointments, etc,….  Directions to the practice and hours of operation are all clearly identified.

At VMTSG, we will be able to help you determine the most important design aspects of your website  to attract and keep users on the page.  We can assist you with setting up and configuring free analytics reporting through Google Analytics.  We’ll be able to help you with determining which company is best suited to meet your needs in terms of communicating your message through your website.

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